Sex Therapy

Sex – it’s a normal, human biological function and drive. So why does it cause us so much stress?!?!?! 

Maybe you are struggling with your desire? Or you and your partner feel like you’re out of sync? Maybe you have experienced some sexual trauma in the past and now the thought of being touched makes you cringe. Or maybe you are having pain during sex. Or something out of the million ways sex can go wrong is going wrong in your life. This isn’t a death sentence! You don’t have to give up on pleasure!

Desire discrepancy is when you and your partner are out of sync, or want sex at different frequencies of time. Maybe your partner wants it every day and you don’t? Or you just struggle to get turned on and going and don’t know why. Or, maybe just maybe, you’re human and living in 2021, with the times of COVID, technology, being on connected to work 24/7, parenting… or a combo of all of those above! And it’s impacting your sex life.

Maybe as a woman, your sexuality is not what you think “it should be” because media gives us SO MANY untruthful images about what sex is supposed to be. Or you are just beginning to come out, and are not sure how to navigate dating. 

Maybe you are one out of the three women in the United States who have experienced sexual trauma. This is one of the awful truths we do live with. Trauma impacts your sexuality, and can even feel like it defines who you are. If you dissociate during sex, feel like it’s not fun, is a chore, or maybe you feel dirty and disgusted, you are not alone and there is help.